Get in Touch with Eileen Lamb

all across the spectrum book eileen lamb the autism cafe autistic

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I love connecting with my followers and having honest conversations outside of social media. Wanna chat? Email me at (Nice people only please. There’s enough nastiness in this world already.)

For business inquiries, you can also contact me at

I do my best to answer to every email. Due to a high number of inquiries, it may take me a few days to get back to you. Feel free to reach out again if you don’t hear back from me after a week. Thank you for your support!

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All Across The Spectrum – A book by Eileen Lamb

Order All Across The Spectrum

Eileen Lamb, founder of The Autism Cafe, shares life experiences, anecdotes, and a wealth of information and resources to those experiencing or parenting children with autism in her upcoming photography and essay collection, All Across The Spectrum. As the mother of a son with severe nonverbal autism, and as someone living with high-functioning autism herself, Eileen’s unique perspective, coupled with her stunning collection of photography, aims to raise autism awareness and help readers better understand the many facets of autism.

The Autism Cafe on social media.

You can find the Autism Cafe on InstagramFacebookTwitter and Pinterest.

I recently started a youtube channel where you can see a few videos of us.

I’m based in Austin, TX.

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