I hope you find the people who hear “I need your help” behind your bogus “I’m good,” the ones who know what lies behind your silence, and the ones who will see the love through your anger. But also the ones who will understand you and forgive you when you’ve been a pale representation of yourself. The ones who stay when others have left you in the past.I hope you surround yourself with the right people. Not those who are only here when everything’s shiny, but those who stay when you’re so overwhelmed that you can’t even put your pain into words.
I hope you find the people who make you feel loved when you feel unlovable. The ones who will never make you doubt your self-worth. The ones with whom you can be honest and who will be honest right back to you. I hope you find the ones who’ll break down your walls, yet stay after seeing the scars on your soul. The ones who will give you tough love when you’re off the mark. The ones who will reassure you that everything’s gonna be okay when all you see is darkness. The ones who will laugh with you until both your faces hurt. And the ones who will hug you instead of judging when you’re crying, because on that particular day you can’t hold it together anymore.
I hope you find the people who will never make you feel like your love is too much and the people who make you a priority even when it’s not convenient. In a world that can be harsh, I wish for you to find the people who will make you feel like you’re not alone. You might feel like an island right now but you are not alone – you just need to find your people.
Excerpt from my book, Be The One
Available on Amazon in the United States and worldwide on my publishers’ website

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