Jude’s autism evaluation
We got good news at Jude’s evaluation. Despite failing the MCHAT and ASQ and scoring in the 1st percentile for expressive and receptive speech, the developmental pediatrician is optimistic that Jude’s symptoms could be due to developmental delays.
She wrote:
“Jude showed social and communicative intent with difficulties sustaining interactions due to impaired self-regulation. At this age, his symptoms could be explained by developmental delays and would not meet criteria for autism, but given +FH would need to reassess at 24 months.
1. Delay in physiological development
2. Speech and language disorder”
While we don’t know for sure that Jude is not autistic, we’re all optimistic! Having a non-verbal brother severely affected by autism most likely has an impact on Jude’s development. Children learn by imitation. That would also explain while Jude is flapping his hands and spinning so much.
We’re looking at Montessori schools in addition to continuing speech and occupational therapy. Hopefully, there won’t be any doubt that Jude is neurotypical at his next evaluation. Fingers crossed!
EDIT: In 2021, Jude was diagnosed with level 1 ASD. That being said, he’s really high-functioning. He’s talktative, smart and creative.
2017-01-03 at 7:49 PMTest comment
2017-01-03 at 9:22 PMGreat news!