
Letter of support to parents of special-needs children: You’re not alone


Starting this blog with a post I wrote and shared on Facebook page last year. A letter of support to all parents out there.

You’re doing great!

Because raising a child with special-needs can make you feel lonely here’s what I want you to know.

To the mom running her child to ABA therapy while her friends are driving their children to soccer practice, you’re not alone.
To the mom carrying around a PECS book, you rock!
To the dad avoiding milestone conversations with his friends because his child is years behind, your child is perfect just the way he is.
To the mom embarrassed by her son’s screams at the grocery store, I’ve been there too – yesterday, actually.
To the mom on her computer researching what kind of therapy is best for her child, your child is lucky to have you as his advocate.
To the dad afraid of taking his child to a restaurant, park or any kind of public place, I know – it’s difficult.
To the mom still mourning the dream of taking her son to the cinema or baseball practice, it may not happen how you pictured it, but it will.
To the dad feeling silly because he celebrated when his son said “buh” for bubbles, every single victory is worth celebrating. Open up that champagne!
To the mom holding in her tears after another therapy report that makes her feel like her child is not progressing, don’t lose hope!
To the dad wishing his daughter would talk, me too – you’re not alone.

You are not alone!

When you feel hopeless… when you’re struggling to keep going, remember that you’re not alone. When you feel like nobody notices you unless your child is screaming… when you’re wondering how you’re going to do it any longer, I want you to remember that you’re doing an amazing job. You love your child – you’re doing the best you can. When you feel like nobody understands what you’re going through, remember that I do and there are a lot of us out here.
It’s okay to have bad days – we all do. To all the moms and dads out there who are trying their hardest to give their children the best life possible despite the circumstances, you are amazing and your child knows it even if he/she can’t say it. Here’s to you!

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  • Reply
    Nicole Banuelos
    2016-12-21 at 3:34 PM

    Absolutely! You are never alone!

  • Reply
    2017-01-16 at 6:09 AM

    I love it it makes me cried I totally feel I am not alone. .
    Thanks for sharing your journey.

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