Following my recent video showing the contrast between Autism Level 1 and Level 3, the critics came rolling in. As usual. One comment, in particular, stood out to me: “Autism levels…
profound autism
Over the years, the voices against ABA therapy have grown louder—and not in a fun way, like the cheering crowd at a Taylor Swift concert. Even mainstream media has started running…
Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with Autism Level 1. For a while, that label fit. It made sense. It explained the parts of me I didn’t understand, the struggles I’d…
Upcoming rant about the erasure of profound autism, self-advocates speaking over those with the highest support needs and the social model of disability. Don’r erase profound autism On Christmas Day, I…
5 Things I wish people understood about profound autism 1. Communication isn’t just words. Many individuals with profound autism are nonverbal, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a voice. Communication…
As Charlie’s mom, an 11-year-old boy with Level 3 autism, most of my life revolves around meeting his very unique needs. Charlie requires 24/7 care, and though I love him with…
Welcome to the mind of the mother of a child with profound autism I’m scared I’m not good enough to parent a child with profound autism. I’m terrified I’m failing. Terrified…
True ableism isn’t in sharing the struggles tied to autism; it’s in pretending those struggles don’t exist. Why the need to argue that a disabled person is only disabled because of…
Individual quality time with children is healthy I’ve noticed a trend over the years: whenever I post photos of me enjoying time with one of my kids, there are always comments…
There’s been a huge increase in people trying to erase severe autism. “Severe autism isn’t real.” “No one is more severely autistic than someone else.” “We’re all equally autistic.” As someone…
Here’s a list of autism nonprofit organizations that can help with free AAC devices, grants and more. Autism nonprofit organizations offer a wide range of assistance to both parents of children…