This is the continuation of a post I first published in 2016 that you can read here. Parents of autistic children are my heroes. This is your reminder that you are…
Lose some…. When you have a child with autism, you lose a lot of things: friends, innocence, freedom, sleep. The innocence… when I was pregnant with Charlie, I’d always pictured us…
Happy Mother’s Day Today is Mother’s Day. I’m not used to being celebrated myself because I still feel like I’m the one who should be calling my mom to wish her…
What to do after your child was diagnosed with autism? Your child has just been diagnosed with autism. Congratulations! You are now one of us. Did you receive that overwhelming Autism…
April is autism awareness month. If your child just got an autism diagnosis you are probably feeling a whole lot of emotions. From sadness to relief, I’ve felt them all. I…
What is ABA therapy? Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, or ABA, is the #1 recommended therapy for children on the autism spectrum. Therapists use positive reinforcement to reward wanted behaviors. Before we take…
Today is Autism awareness day Charlie just turned 4 and he’s still non-verbal but he’s come a long way with communication. Being able to communicate basic needs on his iPad has decreased…
Being the parent of a child with special-needs is rewarding but let’s face it… it’s often challenging and finding people you can relate to is difficult.But we’re not alone. You are…
I often get messages asking me questions… How did you know he had autism? What was he doing that worried you? What were the early signs of autism when he was…
A Glimpse of Hope “I think he’ll talk.” That’s what the developmental pediatrician said this morning. These words came from the same doctor who diagnosed Charlie with severe autism and was…