Autism resources available in all states
I know first-hand how hard it can be to find free autism resources. I’ve compiled a list of free autism resources, available in all 50 states. There are some grants, waiver programs, free items, and more. Comment on this post if you know of any more autism resources available in the United States and I’ll add them to the list.
- Medicaid Waiver: The Katie Beckett Waiver is a federal waiver that is intended for children from birth to 18 years of age with a chronic disability. It entitles children to Medicaid that would not otherwise qualify due to their parent’s financial status. It originally was intended for children at risk of institutionalization. Check out this website for a list of all kids Medicaid waiver programs by state.
- Free diapers with autism diagnosis, over the age of 3: If your child has autism while also experiencing incontinence, you will need a prescription from their healthcare provider for pediatric incontinence products. You will also need a signed letter of medical necessity that explains why the products are needed. The letter will include a list of the medical supplies to be used, and how many disposable supplies will be needed on a monthly basis. This letter must be signed within the last year. Click here to apply.
- SSI – Supplemental Security Income: SSI is a monthly government payment through Social Security which is designed to support people who are aged (65 and older), blind, or disabled. Individuals with autism may be eligible to receive SSI to help support them financially. More inforation on how to apply here.
- Non-taxable saving accounts: ABLEnow accounts help individuals with disabilities save money to pay for qualified expenses, without being taxed on the earnings – and in most cases, without losing eligibility for certain means-tested benefit programs. Open an account here.
- Free lifetime pass to national parks: The Access Pass is a free, lifetime pass available to United States citizens or permanent residents, regardless of age, that have a permanent disability. Autism gives you lifetime access to national parks, yay! Apply here.
- Grant for medical services: UHCCF’s mission is to help fill the gap between what medical services/items a child needs and what their commercial health benefit plan will pay for. UHCCF grants provide financial help/assistance for families with children that have medical needs not covered or not fully covered by their commercial health insurance plan. Apply here.
- Free genetic testing with SPARK: SPARK is the largest genetic study of autism ever. It’s free. They send you a a saliva kit, you mail it back and that’s it. They’ll email you if they find anything. Sign up here.
- Free Autism safety toolkit: The Big Red Safety Box is a free-of-charge toolkit given to autism families in need as a means to educate, raise awareness and provide simple tools that may assist them in preventing, and responding to, wandering-related emergencies. The Big Red Safety Box includes the following resources: A sample IEP Letter A Student Profile FormEmotion Identification Cards, Wandering Quick TipsTwo, (2) GE Wireless Door/Window Alarms with batteries, One (1) RoadID Bracelet or Shoe ID tag, Five (5) Adhesive Stop Sign Visual Prompts for doors and windows, Two (2) Safety Alert Window Clings for car or home windows, One (1) Child ID Kit from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Get your free toolkit here.
- Free Autism Event Calendar: If you’re looking for autism related events in your area, this is the place to check. It includes events all across the country, like camps, fairs, sensory-friendly events etc
- Free Face Mask with autism diagnosis: Just fill out this form.
- AutismWish: Granting Wishes to Children on the Spectrum & Providing Parent Resources. Fill out an application here.
Carrie Holland
2021-07-19 at 6:31 PMDo you know of any place in Williamsburg Va
Angela Meghan
2021-07-23 at 9:36 AMGreat resources!
Lia McCabe
2022-07-01 at 7:46 PMHi Eileen! There’s also nationwide free resources at AutismWish (www.autismwish.org). There is valentines cards in February, noise reduction earmuffs give away in june/July and sensory/therapeutic gifts for Christmas. Also free printables.
Millie Halladay
2023-10-04 at 12:47 PMAre there activities and events for adult 36+, in Brevard ot Broward counties in Florida?
Diana C Smith
2023-10-23 at 1:56 PMTY. I am looking for resources for my Grandchildren.
Sabina Duverglas
2023-12-30 at 4:06 PMinformation for adults is greatly appreciated