It’s almost back to school time and to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible you need to be prepared! For kids, it can be difficult to get back into…
maman autiste
Charlie’s first words It’s been eight months since Charlie said his first word. Just before his fifth birthday. I remember the happiness and hope I felt. I kept thinking that this…
Autism in girls I often get asked why I was diagnosed with autism so late in life, and why it wasn’t caught when I was a child. There are two main…
Charlie’s tonsillectomy It’s been two weeks since Charlie’s surgery. When we arrived at the hospital on the day of his tonsillectomy, we were surprised to hear that the surgeon would also…
Autism and motherhood I’ve been (over)thinking a lot the past few days. More so than usual. The fact that some people could think that I don’t love my son specifically because…
The #actuallyautistic movement I’ve known for a while that there is a community of autistic people who have beliefs about autism that are different than mine. They call themselves #actuallyautistic.…