Signs and symptoms of autism in babies: How did you know Charlie was autistic? I often get messages asking me questions… How did you know he had autism? What are symptoms…
red flags
The struggles of being high-functioning I want people to understand that high functioning autism is a disability. Of course, in my opinion I’m lucky to only be mildly affected by autism but it’s still…
The weight of being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as an adult Since I was officially diagnosed with autism and came out as autistic, I’ve heard it all: You don’t look autistic……
Balance Your Plate! Between work life, taking care of the kids, household chores, and having a little time for yourself, it just isn’t easy to have a balanced diet. I struggle with…
Today I’m raising a glass of Wente Morning Fog Chardonnay to my first born, Charlie, who made me who I am today. I know how that sounds. So cliché. Whatever! It’s literally…
April is autism awareness month. If your child just got an autism diagnosis you are probably feeling a whole lot of emotions. From sadness to relief, I’ve felt them all. I…
Is Autism Taboo? Lately, I’ve been feeling down. And it’s difficult to be completely open in my blog when everyone and their grandma can read what I write. Actually, I wish…
I often get messages asking me questions… How did you know he had autism? What was he doing that worried you? What were the early signs of autism when he was…
Starting this blog with a post I wrote and shared on Facebook page last year. A letter of support to all parents out there. You’re doing great! Because raising a child…
From Doubts to Autism Diagnosis Charlie has always been a mischievous and happy child. Up until 15 months, he had been hitting his milestones on time and was even saying…