April is autism awareness month. If your child just got an autism diagnosis you are probably feeling a whole lot of emotions. From sadness to relief, I’ve felt them all. I…
What is ABA therapy? Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, or ABA, is the #1 recommended therapy for children on the autism spectrum. Therapists use positive reinforcement to reward wanted behaviors. Before we take…
Big brothers are awesome! Growing up, I always wanted a big brother. I don’t know, maybe it’s silly. Around 8 years old, I came to peace with the fact that it proooobably…
Babywearing and Autism Charlie will be 4 this month. Going out can be challenging because Charlie isn’t able to follow directions yet. One of his current targets in therapy is…
Raising a non-verbal child. I wouldn’t change you for the world, but… I often talk about how proud I am of Charlie and how much I love him, how I wouldn’t…
I was diagnosed with high-functioning Autism as an adult. It may be a surprise to some of you, but possibly not so much for other people who know me well. You must…
#AutismActually Today, someone left the nicest comment on my blog: “[…] Your beautiful words about your son made me realize that there is more to my son than just his diagnosis.…