#ActuallyAutistic: I’m in the gray area between the neurotypical and autistic communities. I am stuck in the middle. I fight to help neurotypicals realize that no matter how “normal” an autistic…
Thanks I Vaccinate for sponsoring this post so I can share our story. Should I vaccinate my kids? With this hundred-year pandemic currently in progress, we figured it was a…
How to extend your kids’ food repertoire? Charlie and Jude used to be extremely picky eaters. Charlie would pretty much only eat toast and crispy bacon! We were at…
“You don’t look autistic.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this said to me, and Charlie too. I wonder what people expect autistic individuals to look like.…
Is autism a superpower? I wish we could find a middle ground between “autism is a superpower” and “autism is the end of the world”. Many believe we shouldn’t…
When autism is no longer invisible We’ve reached the point where Charlie’s autism is no longer an invisible disability. Autism and stimming go hand in hand and Charlie’s stimming is constant.…
IS AUTISM THE SAME FOR EVERYONE? If you’re wondering if autism is the same for everyone, the answer is no. When it comes to autism, no two autistics are alike. …
Autism and stimming: Should we let people with autism stim? It depends but the short answer is “yes, if they’re not harming themselves or others”. Stimming isn’t quirky and cute for…
Anxiety in children Jude just turned 5, and though he’s always had a cautious nature, his anxiety has been worse the past month. I’m sure the current pandemic doesn’t help. His…
Wooden Water Table DIY I love wooden toys for the kids and I’ve wanted to get a wooden water table because, in Texas, it’s already hot as hell. That…
Does ABA cause PTSD? The answer is no, ABA Therapy does not cause PTSD. One of my followers explained where the rumor originated from. There was only one survey about the…
Hey, special-needs parents, I see you. I see you trying to juggle being a mom, OT, ST and ABA therapist while not losing your sanity. I see you comforting your child…