Dear autism, You and I, we’ve been through a lot together. It took me a while to see you. It took me a while to realize how much control you had…
The best things in life are often unexpected. Expecting baby #3 in October, 2022. Jude is super excited to finally be the big brother and can’t wait to teach the baby math. I…
I love traveling and exploring new places, but that’s not always easy with Charlie. I’ve been hearing for a while that Myrtle Beach is an autism-friendly city so when the opportunity…
This piece about functioning labels is an excerpt from my book, All Across the Spectrum, that you can order here. Autism and functioning labels Functioning labels are used to give more…
While there are various ways that autism is diagnosed, the most common diagnostics are based on children. This can often be frustrating for adults who recognize that they have signs of…
I hope you find the people who hear “I need your help” behind your bogus “I’m good,” the ones who know what lies behind your silence, and the ones who will…
We need to talk about the reality of autism As uncomfortable as it is, we need to talk about what reality is actually like for many autistic people: aggression, destruction, poop…
Living with an invisible disability: autism An invisible disability is still a disability. When I tell people I’m autistic, as with many high-functioning individuals, the response I usually get is, “you…
Autism, Communication is a privilege. The idea that all autistic people can communicate is false and can also be dangerous. There are kiddos and adults like Charlie who can’t even communicate…
Autism is not a superpower for everyone Read it again. Autism is not a superpower for everyone. I’m going to do something that’s frowned upon in the autism community. I’m going…
Autism is not an excuse Autism does not excuse bullying. Autism isn’t a license to be mean. Autism cannot be used to justify abuse. While it’s true that communication problems are…
What’s severe autism, also knowns as level 3 autism? Severe autism is where the autistic person resists social contact and all attempts to communicate with them are ignored They require very…